Archive for Michelle Monaghan

I Saw A Film Today… Source Code

Posted in Film Reviews with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 06/04/2011 by Kevin Entrekin

I don’t believe I have ever started a film review with a film recommendation before. But I overwhelmingly feel the need to recommend this particular one. The film is Moon and it stars Sam Rockwell and… Sam Rockwell. It is one of the best Sci-Fi films in recent years and unfortunately it was somewhat overlooked by the general public. The film was directed by Duncan Jones. He is also the director of the film that this review is over, Source Code.


Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) wakes up on a train across from a beautiful women (Michelle Monaghan). The only problem with this scenario is that Colter does not remember getting on the train. He does not know the woman (we find out later her name is Christina) across from him, although she clearly thinks she knows him. She also keeps calling him Sean. Just when things can’t get any stranger for Captian Stevens, the train and all the passengers are engulfed in flames as a bomb goes off.

Captain Stevens is in fact in a program code-named Source Code. The program allows him to physically go back eight minutes in time using the body and memory of one of the fateful passengers. Steven’s mission is to find the identity of the bomber before he has a chance to detonate a dirty bomb in downtown Chicago.

But Stevens does not remember signing up for Source Code. He does not even remember leaving his unit in Afghanistan. These are all questions he wants answers to from Captain Goodwin (Vera Farmiga) and Dr. Rutledge (Jeffrey Wright), the two main people at the program. Slowly and intermittently Captain Stevens get some of his answers, but will he get them (and possibly change his past) before the bomber detonates again?

Source Code is quite possibly the best movie I’ve seen so far this year. A thrilling science fiction film that dances on the edge of the preposterous at times. But the magic of science fiction is that preposterous is believable when done correct. And Duncan Jones does it more than correctly, he does it with near expert care.

The story sucks you in from the beginning. While you could spend time questioning some of the science behind the Source Code program, you instead spend your time on the edge of your seat wondering what comes next.

Jake Gyllenhaal gives what could be one of his finest performances in his already stellar career. He plays emotions genuinely and effortlessly. But his performance would be nothing without the lovely Michelle Monaghan. The chemistry between the two are what keep you watching.

Source Code is just an all around good fun. If my synopsis of the film is a bit vague, I do not apologize. I did not want to give away too much info; I would much rather you have the joy of finding out what happens for yourself.

Verdict: SEE IT!

So where you blown away by Source Code? I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions below.

I Saw A Film Today… Due Date

Posted in Film Reviews with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 06/11/2010 by Kevin Entrekin

Zach Galifianakis is not a new kid on the block. In fact, for years before his Hangover fame Zach was the stand-up comedian that all the stand-up comedians went and saw. Fast forward a few years and you can not go to the cinema without seeing his child-like face smiling back at you. But now Galifianakis is returning to his mainstream roots with Todd Phillips and shares the screen with Robert Downey Jr. in Due Date.


Peter Highman (Downey Jr.) is a high-strung expecting father who is away from his wife Sarah (Michelle Monaghan) on business in Atlanta, Georgia. While trying to get home to Los Angeles, Peter meets Ethan (Galifianakis), a strange guy who dreams of landing a role on the show Two and a Half Men. After a misunderstanding between the two men and the airline employees, Peter is arrested by the on-board air marshal.

Now Peter is on the no-fly list. His luggage is currently en route to LAX. His driver’s license is also on the plane. How is Peter supposed to make it back in time for the birth of his child on friday? In comes Ethan, who is also on the no-fly list, and offers to take Peter to L.A.

What starts out as an annoying road trip for Peter soon turn into a full-blown nightmare from hell. Some events include meeting a drug dealer (the brilliant Juliette Lewis), getting into a car accident, stealing a Mexican Federales truck, and more. Will Ethan get Peter home in one piece and on time?

For those expecting the shenanigans and absurdity of The Hangover, you will be disappointed. Even though this film is funny, it does not have that same type of format. None the less, Due Date is a good film to check out. The comedy for the most part is top-notch and there are even a few serious scenes that will pull on at least one heart string.

As usual, Robert Downey Jr. is fantastic as the hot-headed Peter. His comedic timing is exceptional and is the perfect balance to Galifianakis’s Ethan. Michelle Monaghan and Juliette Lewis have strong characters and should have received more screen time somehow. And the rest of the supporting cast is great as well, including cameos by Jamie Foxx and Danny McBride.

In truth, Due Date never does reach it’s full potential. But it’s still not one to pass up. If you are thinking of going to the cinema this weekend, keep Due Date in mind for a bit of adult comedy.

Verdict: SEE IT!

*Special thanks to my mum for sharing this cinematic adventure with me.

So what about it, are you going to see Due Date any time soon? What did you think? Leave your comments and opinions below.